Pixel Princess Blitz, described by its creators as a roguelike sandbox action RPG, is nearing the end of its
Kickstarter campaign – a campaign that has been quite successful, meeting its initial goal a couple of days ago with its sights
now set on stretch goals. In the game, you traverse the hex grid overworld in a turn-based fashion – encountering various randomly generated elements – while the actual combat system works in real time like an action RPG. You will explore both randomly-generated and hand-crafted dungeons, meet new characters or factions, and perhaps even find romance along the way – all of this plays out in what the devs call a dynamic narrative, with NPCs making their own decisions. And let’s be honest, the whole thing also looks mighty cute, visually speaking.
The campaign of Pixel Princess Blitz has already met its initial goal of€77,700 and is currently hoping to reach the first stretch goal, which would offer an alternative soundtrack for the game. The project has also recently unlocked its second micro reward through community participation, which means that backers pledging at least €14 will now receive a digital comic booklet for free. The game’s release is planned for mid-2018 on PC, with PS4, PS Vita, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch ports arriving later on.