Radical Fish Games, the development studio behind CrossCode, has announced a new action-RPG titled Alabaster Dawn, formerly known as Project Terra. Set in a land where the gods and their people have mysteriously vanished, players will follow the journey of Juno, the Chosen Outcast, as she attempts to rebuild the world and bring back all that was lost. The game is being planned as a gargantuan journey of 30 to 60 hours with numerous areas to explore – you’ll be setting up trade routes, helping advance scientific progress and rebuilding settlements, among other things, all the while trying to shed light on the mystery of how and why the gods vanished in the first place. Inspired by action classics such as Devil May Cry and Kingdom Hearts (as well as CrossCode, naturally), combat will be fast and flashy with ample amounts of customization, requiring players to make use of their full arsenal in order to succeed. Alabaster Dawn is currently planned for an Early Access release in late 2025, with a public demo scheduled to arrive sometime in early 2025.