Pixel-horror The Count Lucanor gets creepy new trailer

Gare – Monday, January 25, 2016 11:24 AM
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I think we can all conclude that little Hans should not have ventured into that castle – or maybe he should have, because now we’re getting a neat-looking, pixelated horror-adventure to chronicle his journey. The Count Lucanor comes to us from the team behind horror game Catequesis (currently on hold while Lucanor is still in development) and was revealed late last year – expect plenty of gore, terrifying creatures and deadly situations as Hans, having run away from home, explores a mysterious castle in search of a blue kobold. Oh, and man-eating, demonic goats that mutilate people. Because you’ll those, too, if the screenshots are any indication. According to developer Baroque Decay, the game is almost finished and might potentially be released sometime in March, though no definite promises have been made just yet.

The Count Lucanor is currently scheduled to be released for PC, Mac and Linux.

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