Official Friday the 13th game offers asymmetrical multiplayer

Gare – Thursday, November 5, 2015 12:05 PM
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There are few things as iconic in the world of horror as Jason Voorhees and his hockey mask – but how about a game where you get to play as him and don said mask? In fact, how about a multiplayer game where both the killer and the victims are all controlled by players? That’s exactly what Slasher Vol 1: Summer Camp – a title originally announced in October of last year – aimed to be before it got picked up to be the official Friday the 13thvideo game. Jump to the present: we’re now on Kickstarter, where the team of Gun Media are hoping to amass just enough money so they can create a 7 vs. 1 asymmetrical third-person multiplayer survival horror game in which one player hops into the role of Jason himself, while the other seven unlucky victims attempt to escape or possibly fight him. At the time of writing, the game managed to collect a little over $600,000, so it seems like the project’s many stretch goals may not see the light of day, even if the main game itself is funded.

Interestingly enough, Summer Camp/Friday the 13thisn’t quite the only asymmetrical horror game to try something like this: in 2014, Last Year raised a modest sum on Kickstarter for a title that would operate with a similar – specifically, 5 vs. 1 – setup. The project later came under copyright-related fire from Crystal Lake Entertainment, the holders of the Friday the 13th IP: if you look closely at the old concept art for Last Year, the bad guy was wearing an outfit and a hockey mask that could easily be mistaken for Jason’s. This, by the way, has since been rectified and the project’s page is back up with an altered-looking villain. (Source)

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