The Last FaithPlatform: WindowsGenre: Action, AdventureDeveloper: Kumi Souls GamesPublisher: PlaystackRelease: 11/15/2023The Last Faith, a dark fantasy metroidvania/soulslike hybrid will be coming to a PC or console near you on November 15, developer Kumi Souls and publisher Playstack have revealed. Taking place in a grim, gothic world of towering cathedral spires and otherworldly creatures, The Last Faith will have you embark on a perilous journey as an amnesiac warrior called Eryk, who must find a way to save his own mind from deteriorating before it’s too late – a goal that will see him cross paths with all kinds of powerful entities. For those interested in an early taste of the game, a playable demo is currently available; or, you could also check out my first impressions of said demo, in which I paint a fairly positive picture of what I consider to be an immensely promising title. Oh, and there’s a new trailer as well, which you can view below: