Fire Emblem: Fates shows off 14 minutes of gameplay

Gare – Thursday, January 7, 2016 10:14 AM
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Fire Emblem: Fates (announced and known in Japan as Fire Emblem If), the latest entry in the tactical JRPG series called Fire Emblem, made its debut in Japan last year and is steadily heading towards its international release. If you’ve been itching to see some more of the game, have no fear – there’s 14 minutes of footage from the English version available for your viewing pleasure. The video illustrates events from Chapter 5 of the game, when the player must take sides and choose which faction to support, leading the storyline into different directions based on said choice. Two separate physical editions will be released for the game for the two storylines (titled Birthright and Conquest), as well as a third one called Revelation as downloadable content.

Fire Emblem: Fates will be released in North America on February 19 for the Nintendo 3DS. No set release date has been made public for Europe at present, though we assume it’s only a matter of time until it’s revealed.

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