Conan Exiles gets anniversary update, The Riddle of Steel DLC

Gare – Wednesday, May 8, 2019 7:33 PM
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May 8 marks the first anniversary for the release of Conan Exiles, Funcom’s open world survival MMO set in the world of Conan, and the company has decided to celebrate the occasion by commemorating the film most people associate with the franchise: 1982’s Conan the Barbarian, starring Arnold Schwarzenegger. The DLC, titled The Riddle of Steel and priced at $6.99, will include various statutes and figurines of characters from the movie, some additional warpaint, and even the iconic helmets of characters like Thulsa Doom and Rexor. The Riddle of Steel will be available later this week on PC, and a bit later on PS4 and Xbox One. But that’s not everything: the game’s also getting a free anniversary update that, among other things, adds two new dungeons called The Sunken City and the Sepermeru Silver Mine, as well as a free weekend period on Steam between May 8 and 12.

Witch Doctors can construct Wight and Skeleton warriors that will act as companions

Key Features:

  • The Riddle of Steel
  • 18 Statues and figurines of Arnold Schwarzenegger as Conan.
  • 5 iconic helmets from the movie, of characters such as Thulsa Doom and Rexor.
  • 5 unique placeables from the movie, such as King Conan’s Lion Throne.
  • 6 statues and figurines of Valeria from the movie Conan the Barbarian.
  • 6 statues and figurines of Subotai the Hyrkanian archer.
  • 3 decorative warpaints from the movie.

  • Anniversary-update (free update)
  • New dungeon: The Sunken City.
  • New dungeon: Sepermeru Silver Mine.
  • New feat: Witch Doctor, allowing you to summon undeads.
  • Total revamp of several locations, with new enemies and additional bosses.
  • New items, both lootable and craftable.
  • Tons of UI fixes and balance passes.

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