Clock Tower successor NightCry returns with a backer-only alpha demo

Gare – Wednesday, February 17, 2016 10:06 AM
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NightCry was a project we reported on back in its infancy: coming from Japanese game designer Hifumi Kono – the father of the Clock Tower series –, the game intends to be a spiritual successor to the old classics where your only option against the horrible monstrosities was to flee. NightCry’s story takes place on a massive cruise ship in August of 2016, where a series of brutal murders are carried out by a scissor-wielding undead creature reminiscent of the original Clock Tower series’ Scissorman. Recently, the playable alpha version of the game was released to Kickstarter backers, but even if you aren’t a supporter, there’s plenty of footage to be found online. Such as this video:

The game is currently scheduled to be released for PC, PS Vita, iOS and Android. No concrete release date has been set so far.

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