In case you missed the big announcement from a few weeks ago, let me get you all caught up: Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2 is real and will be out early next year. There you go. Released on the exact same day as Half-Life 2 (yes, really) in November of 2004, the original Bloodlines suffered from less than optimal sales but eventually amassed a dedicated following of RPG and Vampire enthusiasts, and as such, the question naturally arises: how exactly was a cult-classic like Bloodlines brought back from the dead after all these years? And how does developer Hardsuit Labs approach a sequel to make sure it stays true to the spirit of its beloved forefather? Well, those are actually some of the topics that get discussed by Bloodlines narrative mastermind Brian Mitsoda and Paradox’s very own Christian Schlütter in a short video from Noclip, filmed the day after the project’s official reveal. It’s a quick, 10-minute watch and you can view it down it below: