Black and white samurai action game Trek to Yomi gets a new trailer

Gare – Friday, March 11, 2022 12:29 PM
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Devolver Digital has released a new trailer for Trek to Yomi, a stylish action-adventure game from Leonard Menchiari and Flying Wild Hog. Highly reminiscent of classic samurai movies by Akira Kurosawa, the game sports a uniquely cinematic, black-and-white visual style in order to bring the atmosphere of feudal Japan to life – its visceral gameplay is accompanied by a dramatic narrative that stars a young swordsman who sets out on a perilous quest to protect his homeland from enemies both human and supernatural. The new trailer showcases a lot of what makes Trek to Yomi special, from its fluid, merciless combat mechanics to its cinematic storytelling and immersive Japanese voice acting; have a look below:

Trek to Yomi is coming to PC, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X/S and Xbox One later this spring.

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