Beyond a Steel Sky, a sequel to the 1994 cult-classic cyberpunk adventure game Beneath a Steel Sky, is currently in the works, developer Revolution Software has recently announced. Game designer Charles Cecil and comic book artist Dave Gibbons both return to once again collaborate on the sequel, which will continue the adventures of protagonist Robert Foster in the futuristic metropolis of Union City. Despite being a direct continuation, Beyond is designed to be accessible to complete newcomers as well – nonetheless, the team has assured fans that knowing the original will certainly enrich the experience for the sequel. The game has also undergone a complete visual overhaul, dropping its predecessor’s pixel art and oldschool point & click interface in favor of fully explorable 3D environments with free camera control.
Beyond a Steel Sky will be launching on PC, consoles and Apple devices later this year. And in case you missed out on the original, you can grab it for free over at GOG.