Developer Cut to Bits has revealed a May 7 launch date for its unique 2.5D metroidvania, Venture to the Vile. In it, players will explore the seaside town of Rainybrook, overtaken by the mysterious corrupting force known as the Vile, as they search for clues that could lead them to finding their missing friend. Which is all well and good, but there is a bit of a problem: unfortunately, the Vile has corrupted our unlucky hero as well, granting him amazing powers while also gradually robbing him of his humanity. Venture to the Vile promises a vibrant 2.5D world with oodles of secrets to discover, various puzzles to solve and countless enemies to face, as well as a dynamic weather system with day/night cycles to shake things up a bit – in fact, some enemies and quests, we’re told, will only appear under certain conditions, so this feature won’t just be a purely cosmetic thing. In any case, here’s a new trailer for you to check out: